Like the saying goes “All good things come to an end” well I don’t know whether Instagram was *ever* good but their recent changes in the algorithm have made getting my work seen by people feel like a whole lot of effort for a whole lot of nothing.
The Instagram platform simply isn’t worth the time anymore
I’ve tried following the so-called “gurus” of social media and tried things like starting a post with a question or witty remark and virtually have no engagement from people. You’d think that social media was all about interacting with each other but if anything it’s more like pulling teeth trying to get someone to spark up a conversation.
I know a lot of cosplayers and photographers who have been hit with this latest dumb idea from the Zuckerberg empire to change how we see posts online. Quite a few people are choosing not to post images because of the extremely poor exposure (if any) that both they and the photographer will get.
I’ve been struggling to increase my viewers for a year now and I’m fed up of having to block requests from bots with zero posts and a thousand followers. The Instagram platform simply isn’t worth the time anymore, Facebook isn’t much better so I’ve decided to disable my Instagram account for the time being. I know that there are a lot of people that still use it but some are starting to move over to Facebook until the same thing happens there.
So, what are your experiences of the recent changes? Let’s talk!