Michael Wlach Photography

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Anime enthusiasts worldwide flock to Germany’s top convention for a vibrant celebration of Japanese pop culture. With booths showcasing latest anime, cosplay competitions, and expert panels, fans of all ages and interests can enjoy this must-attend event.

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So I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. I know its been a long time but hey I’m back! I’m opening up my books for shoots starting with Cosplay. Portraits and…

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Time for an update. Since my last post some of you may have noticed that I went “radio silent” and turned off my social media accounts. One of my friends…

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Well this is a difficult post to write but February has been a terrible start to the year. I had a planned on attending two of my favourite cosplay events…

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2021 what a year that was (or wasn’t). A strange year filled with uncertainty and doubts that things would ever get back to some kind of “normal”. I suppose I…

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